Kids Community 
Music & Art Workshops

See our workshops first hand! You may nominate a potential young person that has the gift in the arts. We cover all different art forms that bring diversity to the Kids' Art Community!

<<See Our Kids Community Workshop Video

Jenesys ::: Nominee

Jenesys was discovered at the Oxnard Plaza Park celebration event, one sunny Saturday morning. Her dad, Justin, presented his published book rightly titled "The Book Of Genesis". Jenesys recently is being considered as Nominee for Music And Art For Youth. This child has a very bright future, and is talented at a very high level. Her visual art is on exhibit in Downtown Ventura at The WAV.

>>See Jenesys 1 Minute Video

Kids' Gallery Program

See more of Our Creative Artistic Kids in their favorite photos, field trips, art studios, in performances, workshop sessions, on stage, and the best TOP LEVEL PHOTOS, just for you today. 

>>See Our Kids Gallery Program Here

Beckett, Visual Artist & The Piano Boy

At our first interview with Beckett, we knew that this 6 YEAR OLD boy was a PRODIGY... and he would become a professional visual artist & performing artist before his time. Through the front door, the whole family greeted us kindly. His mom showed Beckett's artworks exhibited throughout their home. Thank you to his instructor, for accelerating Beckett's music education, by participating in Our Kids' Performance & Visual Arts Exhibit Development Program. We had asked Beckett: Do you want to perform? "YES I WANT TO PERFORM ON THE STAGE". We asked Beckett a second question: Do you want to show your art at our exhibit? "YES, I WANT TO SELL MY ART". Discovering amazing kid artists has it's rewards. Especially Today. Enjoy the video. You were a kid once too! Remember?
We're making the World.... a Better Place.

>>See The Beckett 2 Minute Music Video

Beckett's Artworks

Acrylic Paints and Watercolors on Canvas.

 >>Our Next Event

Toni, Singer & Piano Performer

A STAR IS BORN... Toni is 8 years old. She accomplished getting her first professional appearance on our stage. She participated in our "KIDS' STAGE PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM", with the support of her professional instructor. Toni performs keyboard and vocal songs. She truly has the potential to succeed, by bringing music arts into the next generation. Toni has exceptional support from her lovely family including: Mom, Kelly, Dad, Antonio, Grandpa, Russ, Grandma, Karen, and Toni's two younger brothers. Way to go... Toni!

>> See Toni's 2 Minute Music Video

Cosmo, Keyboard Artist:  The Legend

The minute that I met COSMO, I knew this kid was a cool kid. Secondly, I loved his piano tie around his neck. Thirdly, he looked me straight in the eye with a confidence that can change the World. His Music Master Instructor respects this boy greatly. Mom Amber is responsible for expanding Cosmo's life into the Music Arts. She recognized his gifts and took action. For sure, Cosmo is a lovable student in the music performance arts. He participated with our KIDS' STAGE PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Cosmo, you are truly a STAR on Stage!

 >>See Cosmo 2 Minute Music Video

Danie Me, Singer Songwriter

Danie Me was awarded a full scholarship for music, guitar, & songwriting at 16 years old. He has the potential to succeed into the next generation of professional artists. Danie is inspired to make dreams & goals come true; and to RISE ABOVE any cultural obstacles. We love his attitude! Danie has released his first album of songs that he wrote, titled "Tratando de Explicar". 

>>See Danie's Les Paul Change Guitar Strings Instruction

Izabelle De Paz, Visual Artist Graduate

Art has always happened in her life as a painter & charcoal artist. She came to us at 16 years old. Her DREAM to get a great education in graphic arts design & animation. And her goal was a DREAM JOB at Disney Animation. We set up a 20 department production tour at FOX TV ANIMATION, which got bought out by DISNEY ANIMATION. We placed Izabelle with private art instructors throughout our program. She has completed art hanging & ladder certifications. At her first exclusive visual art exhibit, she sold 18 original artworks. She always loves to make little kids happy. She has a huge network of friends & family that love her. She has now completed her 4 year art degree at Otis College Of Arts & Design, in Los Angeles, California. She accomplished being a 5 Star student with honors. Her employment is teaching other kids, at an Exclusive Art & Instruction Gallery in Ventura, California. She's truly a success in her life. 

 >>Izabelle Goes To College 2 Minute Music Video

Adam Sortomme, Performer- Writer

His dad passed away when he was a young boy. His mom, Marsha has raised him to be a good responsible young man. He came to us at 13 years old to train to be Singer- Songwriter- Performer. Adam was given a guitar by donations. We gave top music instructors in guitar, vocals, songwriting, and recording studio training. He accomplished Certification for our Stage Performance Program to excel & communicate with audiences. HE CREATED HIS OWN SHOW IN VENTURA, CALIFORNIA! He wrote his original song called "Evergreen", and dedicated it, as a memorial for his dad. he performs the song on TV Link below. After Adam completed Ventura College in business administration, he and mom moved to Nashville, songwriting capital of the world to pursue dreams & goals there. Adam is a bright shining STAR.

>>Adam Sortomme TV Interview & Song

Miranda Romero, Vocal Performer

At 18 years old, one of our board members discovered Miranda while riding on the city bus, on the way to her Ventura College classes. At her interview with Music And Art For Youth, she explained her dream to sing. She brought us a lovely poem that we helped transform into a music arrangement, as she produced her first original song, "Crooked Smile". Miranda performed music throughout our Kids' Stage Development Program for two years. She has won singing competitions, and volunteered in her church band She was a BIG HIT at the Local Ventura Farmers Market Performances on Saturdays. Music And Art For Youth has helped Miranda with confidence and inspiration to succeed with her music. She is now married, and sings to her husband and her wonderful son, Jackson. Mom, Pat & Dad, Doug have been a big part of Miranda's life for successful years to come. 

>>Miranda Romero 2 Minute Interview

Lucy Jane, Visual Arts Painter 

She came to us at 12 years old. She showed up with her mom, Stephanie and dozens of drawings and sketched art in her portfolio. We loved her. When she began our Visual Art Development Program, Lucy was given an array of acrylic paints, supplies, easels, brush kits, and blank framed canvas to produce new art. Within six weeks, she was trained in art preparation, framing, & mounting. Her first exclusive art exhibit was at The Christmas Day Show on Main Street. Lucy sold 11 out of 14 original artworks at this event. Throughout our program, Lucy produced more and more art. She received Certification for video camera, art interviews & short movies. Lucy Jane made history in Ventura, California as our first WAV Kid Artist-IN-Residence to be accepted at Working Artists Ventura, based solely on her creativity & artistic quality for a potential future, as a successful professional artist.

 >>Lucy Jane 1 Minute  Video

Antonio Barrera, Visual Artist Painter

He was nominated by his public school teacher with a highly regarded recommendation. He was not doing well with math & English at his school. But we loved this kid when he showed up with a casual portfolio of sketched art on plain paper. He entered our Visual Arts Program at 13 years old. He is very humble and meek. Music And Art For Youth provided three private art instructors for accelerated education. This  Visual Art Scholarship Student, Antonio Barrera created many masterpieces like one called, "Underwater Shark", an acryllc painting on framed canvas. He entered our low- income award program, with a dream for being a professional artist. He excelled to speak about his art to audiences on our KIDS' STAGE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Antonio is the youngest child in his family, and has a loving home in the City of Oxnard. His Daddy passed away four years into our program. Our Board Members greatly encouraged him to continue to pursue his wonderful gift of painting original artworks. He won The Ventura County Supervisors Art Award for one of his masterpiece artworks. Congratulations Antonio!

>>Antonio Barrera TV Interview

Thank You For Helping The Kids

Making a donation, helps to add new scholarships, instructors, art supplies, and musical instruments. You were a kid once too but in a very different world. Maybe there was a person in your life that helped YOU. Our cause is close to the heart for the younger generation! Thank you for helping The Kids!    

 >>Make a Monthly Donation

Aniket Rahane, Classical Guitarist

This 14 year old student appeared at OUR CLASSICAL GUITAR AWARD EVENT. This event had many Kids'  Artworks on Exhibit. Aniket was presented with a professional Classical Cordoba C7 guitar DONATED BY PERFORMING ARTIST, JOHN GREGORIUS, from Tucson, Arizona. It was inspiring to see his hopes & dreams come true on this day. In this classical guitar duo performance, was Aniket's guest accompanying musician, Juanita Wooten. Many alumni of the classical students are now professionals performing throughout California & the USA. This kid's humility & respect for life has shown much potential in the years ahead. Check out the music video below:

>>Aniket Rahane 2 Minute Classical Guitar Performance Award

Music And Art For Youth